We Were Told This Was Safe and Effective

Hi, my name is Danielle, and I took the Pfizer vaccine back in January/February of 2021. Since then, I have had over 150 doctor’s appointments, over 200 tubes of blood drawn, 12 MRIs, several ultrasounds, and 6 x-rays, and I am currently being tested with angiograms for eye strokes in both my left and right eye. 

I was diagnosed with Mono Neuritis Multiplex, a debilitating nervous system reaction that caused horrible cramps and burning throughout my forearms and calves. Some doctors believe I have PAN vasculitis; others think it’s an endothelial issue. Additionally, I have burning/vibrations, swelling, popped blood vessels, purpura, and vision loss/blurry vision (potentially two eye strokes. My husband and I have also been told to freeze our embryos due to potential pregnancy complications. 

I have gained the courage to share my story because injuries happen worldwide, and our community needs to connect. I am not anti-vaccine; I am pro-facts! I am for vaccines that have been thoroughly tested, but how can we say this is safe when the normal vaccine process takes 7–10 years? What happened to us is not ok. We were told this was “safe and effective” by our government. The president said that getting the vaccine would prevent us from getting covid. None of this was true. Our community is now suffering the repercussions of the decision to get the vaccine, and we often have nowhere to turn.

It was devastating to go to doctor after doctor and not be acknowledged or have my concerns taken seriously. It took me almost a year to find the appropriate team of doctors. This should never happen. I was rejected by the Mayo Clinic and John Hopkins University. HHS and UPENN would not acknowledge the vaccine as the cause of my issues.

I was perfectly healthy before the vaccine, and after taking it, I had to go to the emergency room, and since then, there have been many side effects. I know it could be worse, I am alive, but there were times when I didn’t want to be because the pain from the Mononeuritis was so extreme. emedicine.medscape.com/article/316024-overview

The suicide rate in our community is higher than the norm specifically because we are dealing with not only physical symptoms but the emotional devastation of suffering the loss of our health, dealing with the unknown, and even unfortunately, being told our side effects are from “anxiety” or “in our heads.” 

I want to remind our community of injured that there are places to turn to, and you are not alone. I see you. I hear you. I also believe we will (eventually) have our measure of justice. 

I also think it is essential to focus on the positives, like the treatments that have worked for me. I genuinely believe the vaccine has caused coagulation issues in my blood. The Mononeuritis and burning are due to a lack of oxygen in these areas due to changes in my blood. An angiogram at Mount Sinai with Dr. Gareth Lema showed delayed blood flow to my right eye.

I have tried many treatments. I was placed on high-dose steroids (60mg) last October (which caused cataracts, 25lbs of weight gain, and emotional changes), then I was put on chemotherapy and got violently ill (my liver enzymes spiked). Eventually, I was placed on triple therapy (three blood thinners), IVM, and LDN by my vaccine injury doctors, Dr. Jordan Vaughn and Dr. Pierre Kory. What also helped was Ozone therapy. 

We are being censored and silenced by big tech, and we need to hear these stories and the treatments that have worked to help others. I believe it’s imperative to connect and share what has worked. Feel to reach out if you have any questions about my treatments. 

You can connect with me and follow my recovery journey on Instagram at @daniellerosz.


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